Life and death……

Yesterday I read a short excerpt about a couple that lived through a hurricane. They thought they were going to die. They made plans in the event of their death. Surprisingly they survived. The death threatening experience gave them a new outlook on their relationship leaving behind a deep gratitude for each other. The author of the reading asked, what day to day annoyances and problems seem trivial when placed against a backdrop of life and death? I was challenged to think about the critical thoughts about my husband that often cross my mind daily. In the face of his death they seem so trivial. I got up and washed the dishes that he placed in the sink, thankful that he was there to eat. I cleaned the table, grateful that he was able to sit and talk to me over a meal. I put away the food, grateful that he was able to sit with me afterwards and enjoy a movie. Yes, in the face of life and death I have no time to complain, only time to enjoy this day because tomorrow is not promised to me or him. John 4:13-15

One thought on “Life and death……

  1. This is so true. I am learning to be so much more grateful for my husband. To not nitpick the small things. I always expect him to be on point when he is dealing with me. Unrealistic expectation. He will make mistakes. I want to be able to love him in the moment even when he is making those mistakes. It’s what I would want from him when I make mistakes. I’ve got some growing to do. I can’t imagine life without him and I don’t want to waste a moment of it.

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