“What is it you want?” Nehemiah 2:4


One of the greatest inventions known to man (I realize this is somewhat of an exaggeration) is the Global Positioning System. The only device that allows you the luxury of never being lost! We could be driving through some strange town in upstate New York or be in the deep south. We could be on the west coast of the U.S. or just running errands in Westchester county. As long as we have a GPS in the window we can  to where we want to be just as if we lived there for decades!

The primary reason a GPS works is that it answers the question, “Where are we?”, but this information is MEANINGLESS without answering the question, “Where do you want to go?” Of course the GPS knows our location way before our intentions are made known, but this information is useless without a goal. In other words, the GPS supplies where we are, but only we can supply where we want to be. I think that much of our frustration as married couples comes from knowing what we want to avoid, or don’t like in  relationship to our spouse, rather than expressing what we want to see in ourselves and in our relationship with our spouse.

I have realized in the past few months just how much of my personality is rooted in avoidance, which is just another way of expressing what I don’t want. I don’t want any problems, I don’t want to displease Pam, I don’t want to risk “failure”, etc… to the point where it becomes difficult to see where God wants us to be. I look to the left and see all the dangers and threats that may loom on the horizon. I look to the right and see all the things that won’t work, but I rarely fix my eyes on our destination, take steps toward it and, in the process, take steps to protect what has already been  gained. God wants us to catch a glimpse of his will for our lives and then move toward that will.

When Nehemiah was asked by King Artaxerxes, “What is it you want?” Nehemiah already had  a burning desire, a burning vision in his heart,  placed there by God. Nehemiah had already lifted this vision in prayer, tears  and fasting. Nehemiah was ready to give an answer, and God was ready to move. The rest of the book is how this one conversation, became the jump start of a revolution in the nation of Israel.

Are we ready to find God’s will for our marriage? I think the first question God has for us is, “Where do you want it to go?”.

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